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О фестивале » История фестивалей » ART & TUR INTERNATIONAL TOURISM FESTIVAL


ART&TUR – International Tourism Film Festival is an annual event that takes place in the remarkable city of Barcelos in the North Portugal. The general objective of ART&TUR is to reward films and audiovisual productions that promote tourism under several aspects: cultural, social, economic, recreational, religious, sport and health, etc. 

The ART&TUR Festival is promoted by APTUR (Portuguese Tourismology Association), with the high patronage of the Municipality of Barcelos. 

Festival ART & TUR is member of the CIFFT - International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals, a NGO recognized by the World Tourism Organization as the supervisory entity for the tourism film Festivals. The CIFFT coordinates and integrates 12 international tourism film festivals and promotes the Annual Awards Gala (Festival der Festivals) in Vienna, to distinguish every year the most awarded films in festivals, and announce the best tourism film of the world. 

Although it is only a newborn, the ART&TUR Festival became one of most important tourism film festivals in the world: in 2009 the festival received 169 films from 38 countries. 

However, the ART&TUR Festival is much more than an exhibition of international films from tourism, and its scope is much broader. The purpose of the ART&TUR Festival is to celebrate with ART the World Tourism Day, the Festival program presents over five days a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

The ART&TUR Festival is going to be the main event representing Barcelos worldwide.

Francisco Dias

PhD in Science of Tourism (University of Perpignan) and university professor. President of the Portuguese Tourismology Association (APTUR).


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